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Continuous scanning in your production environment is more important than ever

Vishrut Iyengar

Jun 15, 2023 / 3 min read

Most likely, your business runs on web applications. Whether they’re external-facing corporate websites with customer portals and shopping carts, internal-facing SSO login pages, HR portals, or team sites, they run on web apps. And these web applications provide a rich target for threat actors, who ceaselessly attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in your business-critical applications so they can gain access to your back-end databases.

Like most modern organizations, chances are, you’re running some kind of continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment (CI/CD) life cycle which means that you’re always pushing incremental changes to production. And organizations using CI/CD pipelines often use a quality assurance (QA) site to run security tests before pushing code to production. There are lots of great reasons for testing in a QA environment, but when security testing is limited to that QA environment, the incremental changes that CI/CD environment is constantly pushing out to production are not taken into account. This is probably an oversimplification of the process, but the fact remains that application security programs rely heavily on variables including: testing team availability, how often you update your QA sites, and the frequency of your security scans – and then demand that developers make fixes as vulnerabilities show up with each incremental code change.

Organizations and their security teams need to keep up with the pace of these constant incremental changes in their applications and in the production environments where those applications operate. They need a solution that tests their software using the same methods threat actors use when they are trying to breach them. And they need a solution that is constantly being improved and that scans continuously to provide ongoing improvement.

Continuous Dynamic has you covered

Continuous Dynamic™ from Black Duck is a safe way to continuously test web apps in production environments and monitor their risk posture in real time, enabling teams to push incremental code changes as and when required. Continuous Dynamic offers a powerful combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and expert security analysts to perform comprehensive dynamic application security testing (DAST) to identify vulnerabilities and determine their exploitability. Continuous Dynamic takes a comprehensive approach to testing by continuously evolving its testing criteria to ensure that potential risks are identified promptly, so they can be remediated without impeding your development cycles. This approach to security testing ensures that your organization stays ahead of the curve where security is concerned, so you can focus on business growth and innovation.

Continuous scanning for continuous security

Whenever your teams push new code changes to your site or applications, Continuous Dynamic automatically identifies those changes and tests them and the system for new vulnerabilities. Furthermore, ContinuousDynamic never limits organizations and their teams on the number of assessments they can request. You can perform an assessment whenever you need one. Ideally—continuously. This “always on” approach provides

  • Automatic detection and analysis of code changes to web applications. Continuous Dynamic helps improve the security of your web applications by automatically detecting and analyzing code changes. Don’t leave your organization exposed to exploits from security errors that get pushed to production during the intervals between testing cadences. Push incremental code changes with confidence.
  • Alerts for newly discovered vulnerabilities (like Log4J). Continuous Dynamic tests evolve in real time. Black Duck has a team of over 200 security experts who focus on writing and deploying tests, ensuring that the most up-to-date exploit information is included in every scan.
  • An unlimited number of websites and applications onboarded and scanned concurrently. Cloud-based delivery simplifies implementation and helps you scale fast. This means no matter how many applications you have, Continuous Dynamic can handle it. Furthermore, with Continuous Dynamic's onboarding services, our teams handle onboarding and configuration, and then ensure that everything is running smoothly, resulting in minimum impact on your internal resources.
  • Asynchronous testing. After starting a scan of an organization’s entire web app ecosystem, teams don’t have to wait for those tests to finish running before starting a test for a single feature or app. This means teams don’t have to hesitate to run comprehensive tests out of fear that doing so will hold up testing incremental changes that might be pushed through concurrently.

Run continuously, get continuous improvements

Running continuous DAST scanning, especially in production environments, minimizes the time between when a vulnerability is introduced and when it is discovered—so you can ensure your organization remains secure.

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